When it is best to mow your lawn – 3 important tips!

07 Oct 16

Many people have different opinions about when the best time to mow the lawn is. Some say midmorning and others say late afternoon.

It can be confusing knowing what the wrong and right answer is.

The most important things to know are:

  • 1. Don’t mow your lawn when the grass is wet or dewy.
  • 2. Mow your lawn when the sun is up so your grass has time to heal preventing fungus and disease.
  • 3. Make sure your blades are sharp – it doesn’t matter what time you mow your lawn, the most important thing is making sure blades are sharp.

The best time to mow your lawn:

6:00am – 8:00am
Not the best time to mow your lawn and the grass can be wet from dew and this can clog up your lawn mower.

8:00am – 10:00am
Great time to mow your lawn as the dew has dried off and it is before the heat of the sun sets in.

10:00am – 4:00pm
It’s okay to mow your lawn during the middle of the day although it will be hot. The heat combined with mowing your lawn can cause stress on the turf so it is best to do it earlier or later in the day.

4:00pm – 6:00pm
This is another great time to mow your lawn. The temperature is much cooler outside causing less stress on your lawn and your lawn will still have a few hours to recover before the sun sets.

6:00pm – 8:00pm
This is not a great time to mow your lawn as your lawn needs time to recover before the sun sets otherwise your lawn can be prone to fungus and diseases.

Happy Mowing

When it is best to mow your lawn – 3 important tips!