Taking Care of Your Plants in Summer
26 Nov 20
V.I.P Tips and Tricks for taking care of your plants in Summer
With Australia’s harsh, hot summers, it’s important to make sure that the plants you choose for your garden are suitable for the climate and if they’re not, that you protect them during the long, hot summer days.
Why cottage gardens can be a challenge
Cottage gardens are really popular but they do originate from the UK which obviously has a much cooler and milder summer. So if you love the look of a cottage garden, it’s really a good idea to have mature trees, shade cloth or a pergola to provide them with some shade. Otherwise, no matter how much you water them, they just won’t look their best or worst case scenario, they’ll just give up and keel over.
Are your plants in the right place?
If a particular plant needs semi-shade, and you think it is in semi-shade and you can’t work out why it isn’t looking fabulous, make sure you check out how much sun that plant is actually getting, not just once, but many times throughout the day. This is a common problem that our V.I.P. lawnies come across.
The solution might be moving the plant to another spot in the garden that is more suitable. After all, if that semi-shade loving plant is in semi-shade for part of the day but in full sun for 6 hours, no wonder it doesn’t look its best. Let's face it - you wouldn’t either!
To help get the best advice about choosing the right plants for your garden, talk to the expert — your local V.I.P. Lawn & Gardens Franchisee.