How To Clean For Your Health
09 Jun 20
There’s cleaning for appearance and then there’s cleaning for health. Proper cleaning must address both. Cleaning for appearance is about tackling dirt that you can see, while cleaning for your health is about what you can’t see. You can’t see the ongoing threat of disease-causing germs and microbes like influenza viruses and E-Coli or COVID-19.
Focus on High Risk Touch Points
The term ‘High Risk Touch Points’ is a phrase that refers to those surfaces that are touched by many people, multiple times in an average day. Bathrooms and toilets, tables, desks and benchtops are probably the most obvious ones, but there are also a number of Touch Points that you might not think about. They include things like:
- Door handles
- Light switches
- Taps
- Small kitchen appliances
- Cupboard handles
- Drawer handles
- Handrails
- Phones
- Remote controls
- Computer mouse
- Computer keyboards
- Alarm keypads
- Keys
Forgetting to keep on top of cleaning these High-Risk Touch Points could make the difference between you being healthy or sick.
V.I.P. franchisees trained in best practices
Our franchisees are trained in best practices like colour-coded cleaning cloths and mops to ensure low risk cross-contamination. We use specialist V.I.P. cleaning products containing Healthguard that keep surfaces bacteria free for up to 3 weeks.
We adopt a scientific cleaning method taking into account 4 things — Chemicals, Heat, Agitation and Time — to help efficiently reduce and/or remove germs and bacteria. And we focus on High Risk Touch Points.
Put yourself in capable hands. Contact your local V.I.P. Home Cleaning or Commercial Cleaning franchisee now, use our online Request a Quote Form or call us on 13 26 13 today.